St. James and St. Mary Parish Confirmation Sponsor Eligibility Form
Please Return Form to: St. James Parish c/o Ann Hemmy P.O. Box 280 Amherst, Wisconsin 54406
I, ____________________________ (Name of Sponsor), a practicing member of_______________________(Name of Parish) testify by my answers and signature below that I am qualified to serve as a Confirmation sponsor in the Catholic Church for
____________________________________ (Name of Confirmation Candidate). __________________________________________________________________________________________.
Please circle either YES or NO for each statement below
YES NO I am a Roman Catholic.
YES NO I am at least 16 years old.
YES NO I have received the Sacrament of Confirmation and Eucharist in the Catholic Church
YES NO I am free to receive Holy Communion when I participate in the Eucharist
YES NO I am someone other than a parent of this candidate
Answer the following ONLY if married:
YES NO Was your present marriage celebrated in the presence of a Catholic bishop, priest or deacon of if celebrated outside a Catholic Church was done so with the written permission of a Catholic bishop? (If not, please provide a written explanation).
Answer the following ONLY if unmarried:
YES NO Are you living with another person in a romantic relationship or as a couple?
I sign this document in the presence of a Catholic priest or deacon or a representative of the pastor of a Catholic Church and understand that by my signature that what I have answered above is truthful.
Sponsor Signature ________________________________________________________________________
Church Representative Signature ______________________________________________________________________
Church Representative Title __________________________________________________________________________
Church Representative Parish _________________________________________________________________________
Church City/State ___________________________________________________________________________________
Date ___________________________ PARISH SEAL