Novena for Pentecost
Pentecost Novena Dates: The Pentecost Novena will be prayed from Friday, May 22, through Saturday, May 30. Sunday, May 31, is the Feast of Pentecost. The simple Novena Prayer Card and short reading for each of the nine days can be downloaded at
A Novena consists of praying a prayer during a period of nine days for a specific intention. The Pentecost Novena in honor of the Holy Spirit is the oldest of all novenas since it was first prayed at the direction of Our Lord Himself when He sent His Apostles back to Jerusalem to await the coming of the Holy Spirit on the first Pentecost. This Novena is addressed to the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity as a powerful plea for your personal intentions. Take this opportunity to come to know the Holy Spirit in a much deeper way and allow Him to guide, strengthen and console you.
Join us from St. James and St. Mary's Mt Carmel for Adoration throughout the night as we prepare our hearts for The coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Adoration begins on Saturday, May 30 at 6:00 pm -- Adoration ends on Sunday, May 31 at 8:30 am And will be held at St. James Church Sign-up sheet on entry door at St. James Or Call Judi at 715-824-2047 to sign up We need a minimum of 3 people to sign up for each time slot Maximum allowed is 9 people.
ADORATION: COME HOLY SPIRIT, COME…. We have exciting news: There will be Adoration throughout the night leading up to Pentecost. Adoration will be held at St. James beginning Saturday, May 30 at 6:00 pm and ending on Sunday, May 31 at 8:30 am. A sign-up sheet will be on the entry door at St. James or you can call Judi at 715-824-2047 to sign up. We need a minimum of three people to sign up for each time slot, with a maximum of 9. In Acts, Mary and the Apostles came together in the upper room after the Ascension and devoted themselves to prayer for nine days leading up to the first Pentecost. Let us come together in prayer and worship of our Lord Jesus as we prepare our hearts for the coming of the Holy Spirit. We encourage you to sign up as soon as possible to get the time that will work best for you and your family.
Wild Goose - an Amazing Video Series:
Segment 1: God's Love Poured Out